
Dear Maja Usecnik

I would like to inform you that I completed my last Slovene course. In the end, I received four credits for the faculty. Although I could not get my credits from the lectures which I completed because I could not contact all the professors and I had a trouble to match my lectures. İn this case I would like to learn that how the process works for me? Can I smoothly continue with my studies the next semester?


Draga Maja Usecnik

bi rad, da vas obvestim, da sem zaključil svojo zadnjo slovensko seveda. Na koncu sem prejela štiri kredite za fakultete. Čeprav nisem mogel dobiti svoje kredite od predavanj, ki sem zaključenih, ker nisem mogel stik vse profesorje in sem imel težave, da se ujemajo mojih predavanj. V tem primeru bi rad, da se naučijo, da kako postopek deluje za mene? Ali lahko nemoteno nadaljuje s študijem naslednji semester?

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